

PBL(Project-based learning)尚无共识定义;在教学法上,可直接溯源至McMaster UniversityProblem-based learning,原始模型:

Howard Barrows (1996) lists the six original characteristics for the problem-based learning model employed in the medical school as follows:

  • Learning is student centered.
  • Learning occurs in small student groups.
  • Teachers are facilitators or guides.
  • Problems form the original focus and stimulus for learning.
  • Problems are a vehicle for the development of clinical problem solving skills.
  • New information is acquired through self-directed learning.

因为模式多元,于是有文章换视角,专门探讨了What are the non-negotiable elements in Project Based Learning?:

  1. The Driving Question
  2. The Entry Event
  3. Need to Knows
  4. Group Contract
  5. Formative and Summative Assessment
  6. End Product


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