
最大限度提供自主发展空间,在公共说理必修之外,可依据本标准进行自主项目申报。学院审核通过,可记为研学必修学分。 上交审核材料方式: 研究git push到 https://github.com/pkuschool/pbook 等待进一步通知




以每个学期为单位。 1-2周完成设计,上交学院审核,通过后展开项目。 17-18周完成项目,提交项目总结,通过后获得学分,未通过不记录F,不给学分。


项目自始至终,需在北大附中人文项目平台完成。 项目成员自学git,建立项目分支,要求每周有Push记录,Commit信息需完整清晰。 如使用images文件夹发布图片,每周不得多于一张。




Students learn deeply, think critically, and strive for excellence. To what extent do students:

  • investigate challenging problems,questions, and issues over an extended period of time?
  • focus on concepts, knowledge, and skills central to subject areas and intellectual disciplines?
  • experience research-based instruction and support as needed for learning and project success?
  • commit themselves to completing work of the highest quality?
    • Projects should not just be “fun activities” or “hands-on experiences” requiring minimal intellectual effort.A high quality project requires students to think critically about a complex problem, question, or issue with multiple answers, and then work on that project over the course of days, weeks, and even months. To complete a project successfully, students need to learn important academic content, concepts, and skills. They should also be challenged to produce the highest-quality work possible and guided and supported as they try to do so.


Students work on projects that are meaningful and relevant to their culture, their lives, and their future. To what extent do students:

  • engage in work that makes an impact on or otherwise connects to the world beyond school, and to their personal interests and concerns?
  • use the tools, techniques,and/or digital technologies employed in the world beyond school?
  • make choices regarding project topics, activities, and/or products?
    • To motivate students and show them the relevance of what they are learning in school, projects should be experienced as “real.” A high quality project reflects what happens in the world outside of school. It uses the tools, techniques, and technology found there. It can make an impact on other people and communities, and it can connect to the interests and concerns of young people.


Students’ work is publicly displayed, discussed, and critiqued. To what extent do students:

  • share their work-in-progress with peers, teachers, and others for feedback?
  • exhibit their work and describe their learning to peers and people beyond the classroom?
  • receive feedback and/or engage in dialogue with their audiences?
    • In traditional schooling, most learning occurs in a private relationship between a teacher and learner;students complete work individuallyand show it only to the teacher. In a high quality project, students make their work public by sharing it not only with the teacher but also with each other, experts, and other people beyond the classroom. This occurs both during a project, as part of the product development and formative assessment process and at its conclusion, when the product is shared and discussed with an audience. This public process and final presentation encourages students to improve the quality of their work and demonstrates what students know and can do.


Students collaborate with other students in person or online and/or receive guidance from adult mentors and experts. To what extent do students:

  • work in teams to complete complex tasks?
  • learn to become effective team members and leaders?
  • learn how to work with adult mentors, experts, community members, businesses, and organizations?"
    • Projects may be done as an individual activity, but in today’s world – and workplace -- it is important to learn the skill of collaboration. In high quality PBL, some project work should be done as a team. This does not mean simply dividing up project tasks, completing them individually, then putting it all together at the end with no synthesis or discussion. When students truly collaborate, they are contributing individual voices, talents, and skills to a shared piece of work,while respecting the contributions of others. In some projects, students also collaborate online with students in other schools, and work with adult experts, community members, and organizations.


Students use a project management process that enables them to proceed effectively from project initiation to completion. To what extent do students:

  • manage themselves and their teams efficiently and effectively throughout a multistep project?
  • learn to use project management processes, tools, and strategies?
  • use the perspectives and processes of design thinking, as appropriate?
    • Whether it’s on the job or in their personal lives, people work on projects and it helps to know how to manage time, tasks, and resources efficiently. In high quality PBL, students learn and make use of project management processes,tools, and strategies similar to those used in the world beyond school. Students may also follow the steps of design thinking as they manage projects.


Students reflect on their work and their learning throughout the project. To what extent do students:

  • learn to assess and suggest improvements in their own and other students’ work?
  • reflect on, write about, and discuss the academic content, concepts, and success skills they are learning?
  • use reflection as a tool to increase their own personal agency?
    • Learning is reinforced by reflecting on what we know and do. In a high quality project, students learn to assess the quality of their work and think about how to make it better. They pause regularly—not just at the end of the project, but throughout the process—to think about what they are doing and learning. By reflecting on what they have accomplished, students retain project content and skills longer, develop a greater sense of control over their own education, and build confidence in themselves.


Copyright © 北大附中Updated: 2019-06-27 17:35:03

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